meal planning

Meal planning – why does it have to be so hard?

Meal planning – why does it have to be so hard? Whether or not you are responsible for keeping the kids alive or just need to be more savvy with your grocery dollars, meal planning is the way to go.

Are you the type of person that makes lists (and then always leaves them on the counter when you go out)? Do you use an app on your phone for your grocery list or your meal plan? Or are you the type of person that needs to actually write out a list or meal plan? Personally, I tend to be a list writer (and leaver). I need to have a piece of paper in hand when I do my shopping. Guess what, I’m also one of those people that actually need to have a book in hand in order to read it. There’s just something about turning pages, the feel of the paper, finishing a chapter and “dog-earing” where you need to start again. Old-school I reckon.

What makes meal planning hard?

Why is it so hard? Truthfully, it isn’t. What makes it seem so difficult is the commitment. Yep, we done went and committed to our week, to our budget, to our families and to our food. That’s a lot! Now, we’re like responsible adults and stuff. YIKES! I certainly do not remember that happening – do you? Don’t worry, we’re going to break this down into a few steps (no need to jump into this adulting thing with both feet at the same time). We’ll call this meal planning basics.

meal planning

Meal planning basics…

Step 1. Get a meal planning sheet or download an app. (Click here for the sheet we like or we recommend one of these apps – Mealtime Meal Planner, Whisk or Grocery List Meal Planner Recipe Keeper)

Step 2. Get out your calendar. Do you have late plans? Friends or family coming over? Ball games? Working late? Date night? These are all very important when creating your meal plan.

Step 3. Make a note on the days where meals might need to be easier or you might be in a time crunch. Also, we suggest putting breakfast and lunch on kind of a more fend for yourself type of thing for a while. Plan on easy things for breakfast and lunch – utilize those leftovers!

Hang on, we’re almost there…

Step 4. Choose your dinners for the week, making sure to plan for all of the events or challenges you have for the week. On “challenging” days, you may want to look for easy meals. Sheet pan dinners are fabulous, use those crockpots and instant pots. But, also pick a day to create a beautiful meal that takes time and energy. One that shows your family that you really do love them.

Step 5. You’ve picked out our meals. Now, go through the cabinets, pantry, root cellar, freezer or whatever you have. What ingredients do you need to buy? Make a list. This process will also help you to use food that you already have. Waste not, want not. Also, budget friendly.

Step 6. Go shopping (and of course, make sure to leave your list on the counter). I’ve literally forgotten my list so many times that as a back up, I have begun taking a picture of it. Once all the shopping is done, it’s time to put it all away. Make sure you properly store all of your veggies, in order for them to last as long as possible.

In all honesty, meal planning doesn’t have to be difficult. To get our favorite meal planning sheet, click here.

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