Pantry Staples


4 in stock



There’s a special feeling in knowing that you have a stockpile of your favorite pantry staples. What are pantry staples? In our world it’s those little things that just finish off the perfect meal. Pretty sure that there is magic afoot when we open a fresh jar of pickles. 

We live in a super crazy, busy, sometimes unhinged world right now. That’s the basis for our Cannery Collection. Our job here at the farm is to “Feed the People”. We grow a lot of fresh food but it doesn’t always help when it comes to dinner time. We would like to share some of our favorite foods with you. 

The idea goes something like this: 

You will choose from things like bread and butter pickles, cowboy candy, fire-roasted salsa, jalapeno honey mustard, strawberry rhubarb jam, or even tomato soup. All of these items are shelf stable. Having a stocked pantry makes dinner so much easier. 

This would be much like our farm subscription program and you would receive a full case (12 jars) each month from July to November. You have the option to have a full case of an item or a split case (6 jars of two items). Our promise is that all of the ingredients will be pronounceable and as locally sourced as possible. 

How does it work? Like our farm subscription you would place your order. Make payment arrangements or pay in full. Then simply pick up your deliciousness at the scheduled times. 

We’d love to share some of our favorite bottled pantry staples with you and your family. 

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