Are you ready for an exclusive sneek-peek at what we have planned for the farm during 2021? While I feel like we accomplished quite a bit in 2020 (even through the pandemic), 2021 is GOING to be even better. How? What could we possibly do to make this year better – lots!
First, let’s talk about education. Both for our farm-ily and friends and for ourselves. Learning is something we often take for granted. Why do we do that? There’s literally so much information out there about EVERYTHING! If we quit learning, we quit moving forward. We quit pushing to do better, to become more.
After much thought, we put our 2021 Education Series class list together. This actually has taken quite a bit of planning and deliberation. What kind of class should we do? What do people want to learn from a farm? Know what we found out – people want to lean how to become more sustainable and independent. Lucky for us! We did a MAJOR expansion on our class list in hopes that people will continue learning.
In conjunction with our farm education series, we need to educate ourselves. We will be stretching ourselves to learn a few things like marketing, proper business management, and videography. In addition, we will be discovering new crops and new crop management tools. Mr. Clucking It Up and myself have signed up for some webinars and conferences to keep pushing ourselves forward. In order to keep pushing others forward.

Speaking of expansions…
Obviously, if we’re going to up our education game, we’d better up our farm store game. Done and done! We are currently in the process of a MAJOR remodel in the farm store. A whole new section is being completed as I type. Store inventory is albeit of a mod-podge of things, in other words – it’s chaos. This project allows us to separate and organize all of our stuff. We’ll have an entire section for all of our food items – super exciting! This will also allow for us to set up the big looms and let people use them when they come visit.
Since we’re going to be making such a large expansion of the store, we also need to have products to fill that space. A few things in the works…custom tea blends, a variety of cheeses, microgreen kits. I don’t want to let all of the “cats out of the bag”.

Farm Events
Throughout the upcoming year, we have lots of events planned. Our goal is to really connect with our community, our farm-ily. To begin with, we’ll hold breakfasts once a month. In addition to our classes, we’ll begin holding monthly breakfasts, game nights, picnics, potlucks, and s’mores nights.
Major Upgrades to our infrastructure
What kind of upgrades could we possibly have in mind? Ultimately we would love to have the commercial kitchen all put together and in use. As much as I love my little cramped kitchen and having to walk all over myself when I bake a big space would be so amazing. In addition to the commercial kitchen, we have plans to have the market wagon/food truck under construction (if not completed by the end of the year). The greenhouse will get a new cover and an overhaul. The new rabbitat is on the schedule to be finished as well as an upgrade to the chicken coop and goathouses.
All in all there is a lot going on for the farm during 2021.

Enjoy the ride with us, follow us on Facebook.